Friday, August 19, 2005

Where is that darn key to the blog?

Oh, there it is. Must have misplaced it.

In truth, it's been a busy personal time--catching up at work because of my upcoming vacation (out for the next two weeks), a little remodeling at home, both of my darlin' kids home for a little while, and WINNING my arguments with "Underground Logician" [; }] on his blogsite! As our Governator says, "Ah'll be bok!"

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Sin boldly!

No doubt many of you think of me as a respectable guy. This should disabuse you of that notion!

Actually I gave my beautiful bride a surprise birthday party a couple of years ago, and I came as The King. You can see the effect I had on innocent bystanders! I try not to let it go to my head....

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Belly up!


Pass me another French Fry (or is it Freedom Fry? I forget...)